My Poems

I recently picked up interest in reading books, mostly non-fiction, biographies ,and some philosophical stuff.  I found the following interesting fable on quora on why reading is so important, and hence, sharing it here on my blog!

An old farmer lived on a farm in the mountains with his young grandson. Each morning Grandpa was up early sitting at the kitchen table reading his book. One day the grandson asked, “Grandpa! I try to read the book just like you but I don’t understand it, and what I do understand I forget as soon
as I close the book. What good does reading the book do?”

The grandfather quietly turned from putting coal in the stove and replied, “Take this coal basket down to the river and bring me back a basket of water.”

The boy did as he was told, but all the water leaked out before he got back to the house. The grandfather laughed and said, “You’ll have to move a little faster next time,” and sent him back to the river with the basket to try again. This time the boy ran faster, but again the basket was empty before he returned home. Out of breath, he told his grandfather that it was impossible to carry water in a basket, and he went to get a bucket instead.  The old man said, “I don’t want a bucket of water; I want a basket of water. You’re just not trying hard enough,” and he went out the door to watch the boy try
again. At this point, the boy knew it was impossible, but he wanted to show his grandfather that even if he ran as fast as he could, the water would leak out before he got back to the house.  The boy again dipped the basket into the river and ran hard, but when he reached his grandfather the basket was
again empty. Out of breath, he said, “See Grandpa, it’s  useless!”

“So you think it is useless?” the old man said, “Look at the basket.” The boy looked at the basket and for the first time realized that the basket was different. It had been transformed from a dirty old coal basket and was now clean, inside and out.

Son, that’s what happens when you read the book. You might not understand or remember everything, but when you read it, you will be changed, inside and out!


My Poems

2014 Batch
2014 Batch

Batch of 2014 IIT Madras Electrical Sciences.

2014-Batch of IIT Madras, Electrical B.Tech


Electrical Batch of 2014 IIT Madras.
Batch of Electrical Sciences, 2014 IIT Madras.

Wing mates of Narmada Hostel, IIT Madras.


Wingmates of Narmada Hostel, IIT Madras.
Wingmates of Narmada Hostel, IIT Madras.

Hostel night…

Hostel night with wingmates
Hostel night with wingmates
A selfie...
A selfie…

Another selfie…





My Poems


Presented my paper titled “Recent Trends in Future Proof Access Passive Networks: GPON and WDM PON” in 4th International Conference on Recent Trends in Information Technology on April 10th 2014, along with my friend Abhinov in Chennai at MIT.

It was an experience which I never had before.  Finally, savored the poster presentation at ICRTIT.

My Poems

There are whopping number of papers (technical papers) getting published each day.  Gazillion conferences each day.  I really wonder how people get their work published.  Is it not so ridiculous publishing material which lacks quality and genuinity.  Let’s forget the quality for the time about publishing a material which is a replica or plagiarized from other papers (of course they too are meagre)….?

More often than not, I see people going bananas for getting the paper published.  I do not really understand this, it is astounding to see the professors doing the same…what do they aim at while publishing? fame? reputation of the institute?…?

There are people who see  only the number of publications…and get things done…don’t they know how things work?

There are people who negotiates that more number of publications implies good research..and there are people who argues more number of Ph.D implies high quality research…is it not so ridiculous…This is highly pathetic…anyway, all I could do is to just wear a smile….

But, there are people who really do good quality work and get their work published in a reputed journals….they don’t unless there is a significant amount of work…..

Reputed journals,  there are journals where one can get their work published if the corresponding or co-author is a reputed/elevated person, no matter what the recent publishing work it is….

or if one does not belong to anyone of the aforementioned authors…still you can get your work published by volunteering the organization in the form of money.  I really wonder why those journals ask for volunteering (money of course) while submission of the manuscript but why not after getting it accepted/rejected? what does this imply….?

Anyway, so why am I writing all this and why today….? well, because today, my paper has been accepted for a conference xyz…and will be published in xxxxxx.  🙂


My Poems

If life is not what all think it is but it is of lot more wise, then perhaps I am having my life.  In the recent times, it is highly difficult to live ones life according to the way he/she wants.

But, in my case, I am pretty much living the way I want. Though, I am not very certain of what I want ;).. at times the surrounding environment influences my thinking which further leads to huge mess, chaos.

So much of unfounded speculations have been taking place in my life.

Since many days, I have been thinking of doing a doctoral program in Taiwan.  Thinking that it is highly impossible for me to get into a university at Taiwan, I aimed at it.

I realized that I have been living in an utopian world, and I lived my life through illusion. The real world now is much more intricate than it actually looks…and I am enjoying every bit of it. Knowing the reality is the ultimate thing and one must embrace it.

There are many decisions taken hastily in recent times..sometimes like Ph.D in Taiwan, sometimes work as an RA…..woaah..chaos everywhere.  Anyway the former is ruled out considering many factors.  So, I finally decided no matter what happens I shall try to avoid knee-jerk reactions and must face the stumbling blocks, and fight with fortitude.

And whatever the work I do, do the good work…and try to be a good human being, after all that is what I am in the very first place..

While in this altercation, I must thank my adviser M Suneel sir and friend Abhinov for being supportive and sharing their opinions.

Finally, Happy Holi…..let’s have a colorful life…..


My Poems

One must subject oneself to one’s own tests that one is destined for independence and command, and do so at the right time. One must not avoid one’s tests, although they constitute perhaps the most dangerous game one can play, and are in the end tests made only before ourselves and before no other judge. Not to cleave to any person, be it even the dearest—every person is a prison and also a recess. Not to cleave to a fatherland, be it even the most suffering and necessitous—it is even less difficult to detach one’s heart from a victorious fatherland. Not to cleave to a sympathy, be it even for higher men, into whose peculiar torture and helplessness chance has given us an insight. Not to cleave to a science, though it tempt one with the most valuable discoveries, apparently specially reserved for us. Not to cleave to one’s own liberation, to the voluptuous distance and remoteness of the bird, which always flies further aloft in order always to see more under it—the danger of the flier. Not to cleave to our own virtues, nor become as a whole a victim to any of our specialties, to our ‘hospitality’ for instance, which is the danger of dangers for highly developed and wealthy souls, who deal prodigally, almost indifferently with themselves, and push the virtue of liberality so far that it becomes a vice. One must know how TO CONSERVE ONESELF—the best test of independence.

by Friedrich Nietzsche

My Poems

Life is a great leveler. It extends, bends and pretends.

What you bring along is long tested. What you do not, does not. Uncertainties of nature and existence never have answers. They spring upon us, show us their strengths and disappear, oblivious to what they leave behind. Sufferings are eternal and perpetual. They live with us till we count our last.

Oblivious of what the consequences be at the time of an adventure, experience and incident, it is disturbing to us mortals what lies in store either way. What may seem insurmountable, finds a conquest. What heights we climb, poses another peak to be achieved.

Those that live in constant excess, I believe, are most aware of its fragility. Those that do not, are either fearless or unaware of its crumbling.

Some of us live in constant fear of the consequences, and some have diligently worked out options, were there to be a situation. I would presume that many presume that this option does not exist in most. But it does. And it does in numbers and the thinkings of those that value outcome. There are many that do not, which is fine as a way chosen by them on their own conduct. But many do, and they need to be followed and observed with care.

Excesses attract, irrespective of their genuineness. They are rare and endangered species. They shall always seek to be protected, because. But the world and the universe is not likely to be enamored by them that despite its worthiness and ingenuity, flaunt it with unrestricted pride and arrogance, centimeters distanced, from the nostrils of the lesser.

Many believe that living in the constancy of such thought, deprives one of a freedom. A freedom that is truly our birthright. Fine. I do not have an answer to that which harbors such. But each birthrighted freedom has to be won and labored for, and on its final achievement, to be best rested, within the confines of our ethics and ethos.

Each ethos and ethic has its own parameters, both individually and collectively. They will differ. They shall possess different and varied interpretation. But irrespective of any, they shall all saunter down to one commonality. That common thread is what shall bind us all, in order and command. The observance of this command, this regimentation, if you may wish to address it so, is the desired conditions for behavior.

Character belongs to the ethos and ethic of our growth. With character come dignity. And with dignity, wisdom.

May we all strive to be wise, just, and in belief.

Character belongs to the ethos and ethic of our growth. With character come dignity. And with dignity, wisdom.

May we all strive to be wise, just, and in belief.

Belief in perception is a boon and a curse. The race between reality and its perception, is one that has pervaded our ethos. Wise are they that can project convincingly, reality, before perception overtakes it. For, the latter has habitually been that, which has found belief earlier than the former.

Many distinguished intellect have commented through the ages of the virtues of both, but emphasized the complexities of the latter. One reason then, why it needs greater attention and concern.

Perception shall always require greater care and address. It has the capacity to be of lasting impact. Any impact that lasts, is reverential in its construct. It may not be what it is meant to be. But then meanings in such situations possess alternate meanings as well.

Who and what then to believe ? Which to take as definite ? And why ?

Questions !

Questions need answers. Answers need convincing ability. Convinced ability is another rarity. In today’s most cynical atmosphere, it has a short life.

Best then .. to beat it much before by that which is real.

Nothing in life is achieved without struggle !

Taken from      Day 2150


My Poems

Finally, much awaited result has come.  Outcome of the final result is not what I worry about, but the uncertainty.  Anyway, now the uncertainty has vanished.  Of course, there is little anguish, I am after all human being like everyone is…

I am not very certain of how much the uncertainty is in Heisenberg principle.  But uncertainty in my recent times have been enormous.

By looking at the outcome, I set myself thinking that, am I in wrong place, wrong situation? What could be the reason/reasons for such result.  Or, did I choose a wrong person…wrong things…or I just don’t deserve….am I expecting too high? expecting too high is no harm, but if you fail in achieving it, you shouldn’t go crazy…

Everyone has something either this or that….me? clueless….

Maybe this is called life..! 🙂

Anyway, If flapping of a butterfly can possibly change the atmospheric conditions (may be a reason for tornado), then why not my work change the future.

Wow, Awesome discovery


My Poems

Simulated Interference Cancellation and Block Modulation (ICBM) coded and uncoded BER with the precoders designed in A’s paper.

Compared ICBM with reuse1 and found that reuse1 performs better than ICBM (by then end of January).

After this work.

And due to my foot in mouth diesease, I raised a question to Prof. G why not we try 3D constellation, and he asked me to work on Multidimensional constellation, which in the beginning seemed interesting but I could hardly find literature on the Multidimensional constellation which I wanted to learn. So, I lost hope in it and gave up.

From here,

My work got parted in many ways, first I was told to design precoders using ICBM paper for 2Rx antenna (SIMO) as the maximum SpAC for 2Rx antenna is 3/4. I tried designing precoders for SIMO using ICBM paper, but I did not find that work interesting, and also I was apathetic in working on it.

Then I leafed through few papers on Space Time Code blocks, and literature on Spatial Modulation which I found very interesting. But I could not find ways to interlink this Spatial Modulation scheme to ICBM.

Dr. H (Ph.D student) told me to come up with precoder design which is a function of channel (ICBM and B-FIA precoders are not a function of channel) for some other schemes which Prof. G suggested, so after thorough search in literature on precoder design, I found a paper exploiting maxizing channel cut-off rate to design precoders in contrast to many papers which exploit Mutual Information as the basis.

I initiated working on channel cut-off rate (not clearly understood the concept of channel cut-off rate) which employs steepest descent algorithm for designing precoders. I am not very certain about its optimality though.

Due to illness, and followed by Quizzes my work got further delayed.

After couple of weeks, to understand the channel cut-off rate I approached Dr. A T, his anwer was “Cut-off rate is not an elegant way to design precoders but try using something like Outage”. Approaching Dr. A P I got clear understanding of channel cut-off rate, and also superficial understanding of outage probability, and the way it is used in designing precoders.

But none paid heed towards it.

I met Prof. G along with Dr. H almost after two weeks, Prof. G then told me to work on intermediate scheme of FIA and B-FIA, and also SIMO case of FIA. FIA uses complete channel information and it is designed in FIA paper for SISO and MIMO. B-FIA, unlike FIA doesn’t need any channel state information. By name itself it is “blind”. But the SpAC ( Symbols per Antenna per Channel use is less in the case of B-FIA in comparision to FIA).

So, now I gotta design precoders with partial channel state information at the transmitter based on the SpAC value. I suppose SpAC with partial CSIT would lie somewhere between SpAC value with perfect CSIT and no CSIT.
