noise characterization

Noise Characterization

Finally! received awgn (not white exactly, it is colored as its a band-limited noise) by sdr and performed the auto-correlation of noise, which gave outlandish results though.  To study the characteristic of colored noise, random noise samples are generated and passed through an elliptic filter (low pass) which then was subjected to auto-correlation.  The auto-co variance of generated band-width noise was much like a sinc.  The study the signal characteristics asine wave of frequency say 100 kHz was sent from one sdr and was received by the other sdr and performed the auto-correlation on the received signal.  The results were erroneous couple of times and  also don’t hold together this was because of mismatching of sampling rates perhaps.  And it was really surprising to see the exact base-band (sine) signal when it was properly sampled.  1105526_orig3946237_orig

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